New Teacher (Meet Ella #2) by Rebecca McRitchie and Danielle McDonald

Miss King has gone on holiday. And Ella’s new teacher just isn’t the same. She doesn’t smile or say good morning. And she calls Ella Bella!

New Teacher (Meet Ella #2) by Rebecca McRitchie and Danielle McDonald

These early readers, featuring younger versions of the characters from the Ella and Olivia books, are perfect for children growing the confidence to read on their own.

These are simple stories, but they’re packaged in an appealing way, and children will identify with the issues the characters face.

In this case, it’s the relief teacher who makes Ella anxious, but there’s an easy, kid-friendly way presented for children to learn to solve the problem on their own.

Especially good in this instalment is that the characters are seen reading and enjoying themselves—young readers will want to be like them.

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